The Wall Official International Trailer (2017)

The Wall Official Trailer 2017
The Wall Official Trailer 2017

The Wall is a 2007 war thriller movie.It has John Cena and Aron Taylor Johnson playing the characters of two soldiers as the leads from the movie.The story unfolds when John Cena’s character is assigned to inspect a pipeline construction site in Iraq with his spotter Aron Johnson .They patiently wait for 22 hours finding the site clear he proceeds to collect radio of a dead security guard but gets shot by an Iraqi sniper.Johnson try to rescue but he is also wounded and made hostage.Then in the deadly game the villain Iraqi sniper under false pretense try to trap Johnson as well as the headquarter and the rescue team through false calling by radio. Johnson knowing this tries to elude the trap and using Cena’s rifle tries to kill him but the Iraqi sniper playing dead shoots the rescue helicopter and radios headquarter for another rescue helicopter to set a new trap.It was released on May 12,2017 and was fair at the box office.Trailers Part 1 and 2 was released on You Tube channel.