Aajakal Ko Love – New Nepali Short Movie 2017/2074, Episode 3

Aajakal Ko Love
Aajakal Ko Love

In this short movie, our team has shown past and present love. In the first segment the love is classical where the girl likes the boy and approaches from distant and request to sing a song for her, the boy in a traditional way sings contemporary folk song. The girl is dumbfounded because she was expecting a melodious Nepali song.
She recalls this moment while lying on a couch and after some years she is walking in the city with her partner and meets her past lover. She stops by and he asks about her, she replies she is fine and then he ask who is the person she is with, she replies he is her husband.Then the girls husband ask who is he, she spends no time and
replied her previous admirer as “paraa ko dai”. The ex-lover greets them with repugnance.We bring videos to enthrall you and get your feed backs and likes. If you have not subscribed hit the subscribed button to receive more from us through our channel at online.

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