आयो सुष्मिताको अर्को चेतावनी पूजा शर्मालाई । Sushmita KC Brusts Upon Pooja Sharma

Sushmita KC Fights With Pooja Sharma
Sushmita KC Fights With Pooja Sharma

Sushmita K.C. targeted actress Pooja Sharma when she made a statement saying Actor Bhuwan K.C became popular and established because he had good fate. Sushmita said Bhuwan K.C was popular not because he had a good fate but due to his undying contribution and support to Nepalese film industry. She went ahead and said Pooja was not born probably when Bhuwan K.C was at peak of his career with Samjhana and Kusume-rumal. Sushmita is mother of Anmol K.C and her marriage with Bhuwan K.C had ended when Anmol was just small kid. Sushmita and Pooja’s verbal spat has stretched out since this episode. We hope that they maintain professionalism while talking about their intentions.
We hope the matter ends here.